New Earth

What we see

All Things Made New

About Us

Can all things be made new? 

We at New Earth believe in Revelations 21 in the Bible. We believe! Yes, they can, and, yes, they will. New Earth was, is, and remains a birthing of lifestyles formed by the spoken word. We also understand that written words can sometimes dilute a vision. We will keep it short, and the desire that everyone that interacts with us will have a picture painted of themselves and bring it to life. A walk with God forms the lifestyle. 


It will make sense for the inquisitive people, tired of doing the same thing by following the book and getting the same results. People tired of living in an environment defined by everything else but the source of everything, the Creator of the domain. We hope that each interaction will give you the courage to be still and ask, who am I? Why am I here? What was I meant to establish here? Was this the intention of God for me? Can I start one more time directed by the source only and no one else? Can I co-create with God a new life? A new thing? A new environment? 

We are a people in one place, in one accord and in agreement that there is another way already finished before it began. There is an intended way and an expected end for everything. We are all masterpieces in the hands of the Creator, and every masterpiece has its use that can be supplied to another

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Our Mission

We have created a space that will awaken individuals, families, organizations, and nations with willing hearts to not only say we want a new thing but who will join hands in agreement to do a new thing and walk this new way. Those willing to go back to their roots and dig deep until they have birthed forth something colorful, something new, something sustainable, something that is not here today and gone tomorrow. Something that will cause generations to come to rejoice because we were mindful of the plan of God for Kenya.

It is not and will not be a one man show. This calls for a “WE ALL”.

Our Values


What makes a nation is people; a nation without people does not exist. The minds of men have been limited to thinking to execute an idea, you require finances, but this is not always so – what is required is a renewed mind that causes you to understand that you can have the blueprint, but God places people around you to execute that vision. Therefore, let God show you the people around the idea he has given you.

Godliness With Contentment is Great Gain

Is it possible for the above idea we have spoken of to find carriers who will give of themselves, e.g., Time resources, and seemingly receive nothing, understanding that it is more blessed to give, At New Earth, the likeminded people come together – sit on ideas and as the Lord leads each person, they supply their bit and birth the idea to reality.

Guard the New Reality

We believe there is a custodian to each idea, whether it is in technology, health, education and commerce, that is required to watch over a Godgiven mandate to see it to fulfillment. When this assignment is given to man – to whom much is given, much is required. 

The Spoken Word

The idea, the mandate comes from above. Last but not least, the spoken word. It is the word you hear that leads you to all the other values. It begins with a word…an idea…a thought. The beauty about the word is that it is sustainable because it has an unfailing source.

Our Guarantee

Our Guarantee is the Holy Spirit! It may be unconventional, but it is tried and tested that if you are willing to be transformed by the renewal of your mind, you will enter a new reality. 

‘... Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.’ - John 16:7

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Farmer Empowerment




ECO Cleaning Products

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